Holy Vibration
We are Many we are one

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Imagine feeling to the depth of the emotions of fear, loneness, hopelessness, helplessness, indigenous in the tragic event of the death of a parent or loss of your home.

Imagine how alone you would feel upon fleeing your home with only the clothes on your back, as a result of a house fire or at the hand of domestic violence.

Even as adults these life altering events are devastating. Now imagine you are six years old and the people who are caring for you are struggling to survive. Imagine you are a child who parent have been diagnosed with a life threatening disease or killed suddenly in a motor vehicle accident. How scary is that?

Holy Vibrations is a volunteer run community organization committed to providing love, comfort,  support and healing in the event of life altering experiences.

In times of uncertainty, Holy Vibrations hopes to offer comfort and support in the event of unfortunate circumstances.

It is our desire to touch the lives of those young souls during moments of despair.

We offer love at a time when they feel their whole world is crashing down around them. We want them to know they “are not alone” We want to convey to these individuals there are people within the community who truly care and are sending unconditional love during their darkest hour.

Our gift of a warm teddy bear infused with genuine love, light and healing from healers within the community is the tangible gift you can give a child in these moments of despair of ardent change.


How can you Help?

For a monetary donation of $15.50 (plus shipping & handling where necessary) you will receive a bear. Your donation will enable us to buy 3 more Bears in its place to keep the program running.



 Yes,  you can donate the cost of a bear and have it dispensed within a shelter, a social workers office, hospital emergency room, anywhere children are placed in the event of tragedy.

It is our goal to place one of these bears in the arms of every child in the community, that finds themselves in foster care, A Safe house, or displaced by disaster.

$You choose amount

Who are we?

We are business owners, A fireman, A teachers assistant, healers, hair dressers, office managers, receptionist, engineer, massage therapist, A midwife, office workers, program directors, chiropractors, nurses, retirees and we are a community that cares.  “WE ARE MANY, WE ARE ONE”.  And where there is suffering let me sow love.
We come together with a common goal of sending our love out into the world.

How do we do this you ask?

We infuse the space that holds the object we plan to send out into the world with Love, compassion, understanding, strength, support, hope and healing.  It is the vibrations of the many that infuse the object with such a divine feeling of we are many we are one.


Occasions children you know would want one of our charged bears:

Just because
Get well
When spirits need lifting

Community members that could use a bear:

Red Cross workers
Camp counselors
School Nurse
School therapist
Police Personal
Play Therapist
Social Workers Office

Basically anywhere adults are helping children who are suffering.Help us to allivate suffering for a child . . . Donate a Bear
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